While traveling the Amalfi coast we stopped in many villages. including but not limited to Amalfi, Sorrento, Salerno and Ravello. On our first trip out there we had intended to get there much earlier so that we could see some of the area, have a nice lunch and then do some shopping. But as is often the case when traveling with others we were somewhat delayed and so arrived later than expected which hindered out shopping efforts as the Italians always get a nice siesta in in the afternoon which often means that shops are closed.

Nevertheless we returned a day later and got a much earlier start. On this particular venture we were looking for ceramics and we certainly found what we were looking for and a whole lot more.

When we first arrived in Sorrento, Chester suggested that if I found something I liked that I should make note of where I saw it so that we could go back and purchase it. While that’s really not bad advice it proved to be a little more difficult than I might have thought because there is an amazing plethora of fine Italian Ceramics in all of the myriad shops.

As I would learn later on, each region of Italy produces a style of ceramic that is specialized. So here on the Amalfi coast we saw some bright and beautiful Italian Ceramics as well as some somewhat odd Italian Ceramics. The odd pieces I would assume attract a myriad of tourists.

I found the selection of different styles and pieces to be amazing. And some of the shops are entertaining just to wander through. In itself it’s amazing how much of this stuff they seem to produce.

Just about every shop we visited was full of color and selection as well as a wide variety of items.
Of course we specifically went there because when he was stationed in Italy he found a shop that he particularly liked and so we went there.
It’s Giovanni’s and here are pictures of the outside door.

Imagine if you will that there is a doorway between these two tiled walls.
And once you enter the shop you will be treated to yet another plethora of Italian Ceramics. But this shop was not overly stuffed which made choosing something suitable a little easier. But only a little easier. Really I might have needed a whole cargo ship unto myself to take everything back that I really liked. But then again I have yet to win the lottery so perhaps that’s a moot point.

Chester had evidently called this woman to let her know that he was coming yet again.
She was delighted to see him and both he and I made purchases. Thank goodness for shipping because there’s just no way I would have been able to pack all that I purchased in just one suitcase and not earn myself a nice hernia.

Our further travels along the Amalfi coast netted other purchases and lots more experiences.
Terrific information! I have already been looking for something like this for a long time now. Thanks for the tips!
Angela Arnold
I love traveling, and I love your blog. When I get ready to travel to Italy, I will definitely look you up. Such marvelous photos. I am going to France soon, and I will make sure to post some pics on my blog.
Take care.
Hello Jim,
I am a fan of the Italian culture and cusine.
It would be great to someday travel to Italy and exeprience it first hand.
You have some really great photography here on your blog.
A few weeks ago, I took a few days off from work. When I returned, I was asked by my co-workers if I travelled anywhere. I smiled and said, I travelled the world right from the comfort of my home, via the internet.
Looking at these photo’s of Italy you have taken, makes me feel as though I am within a fingertips reach.
Willie Robertson
Leslie Denning
Hi Jim. I’m glad to get to know you. It looks like you have lots of adventures. I really enjoyed the pictures of the Italian ceramics. They are so beautiful. I’ve never been to Italy, so I enjoyed the pictures very much. I’ll come back to vicariously travel with you to some other destinations.
Wishing you a song in your heart,
Miss Leslie @ Music with Miss Leslie.com
Steve Nicholas
Great post, Jim! These are some very interesting travels, and it’s amazing all of the things that you can find when you really look. These are some amazing pieces of art you found! The irony is just how many tourists and travelers tend to look for something just like home, so when they go somewhere, everything’s just like home except for the accents. I can’t wait to see what else you uncover!
Wellness & Health
Wow, those are really nice ceramics! I wonder how much you’ve ended up buying. I already wanna buy everything just by looking at your pictures! lol! Did you travel with group? When we went to Canada, I wanted to do the group travel but my husband didn’t want to deal with the hassles of travelling with a group. So we did “mini” tours in Montreal, Ottawa and Niagara. Anyway, those are really nice pictures and I’m sure you had an awesome experience there too! Thanks for sharing, Jim!
Cherrie Bautista
Andy Nathan
These are amazing ceramics! I have been in Rome, but it looks like there is a lot more of Italy that I need to see. Beautiful vista shot!
Tim & Sole
Hi Jim,
We love to travel… and to see all the pictures you’ve posted on this post as well as throughout your blog simply takes us on your travels!
We’d love to visit Europe, and we know Italy would be one of our favorite places. Thanks for sharing!
Christine Casey
Hi Jim, as the Amalfi coast is a region I plan to visit when I travel to Italy, was glad to have come across your post as I had no idea that these kinds of ceramics (colorful & unique) were so popular there! And, although I know that a lot of the Italians do take advantage of the afternoon siesta, and your mention of this was a much appreciated reminder to be sure to get started earlier in the day for shopping 🙂
Terrific Tonya Heathco
Terrific post. I felt as if I were there with you. Beautiful pictures! I never knew Italy had such beautiful ceramics. I never knew Italian’s took siesta in the afternoon. Wow, I learned so much from you today. Looking forward to our next adventure.
Debbie@Invisible Heartstrings
Hi Jim,
That ceramic owl was just yummy. Thank you for the visual treat. I don’t know how you could make a decision as all the ceramics were so beautiful. I would love to see photos of your ceramics!
Luca Sambuco
Hi Jim,
I am writing from Deruta, Italy, a small town near Assisi and Perugia, famous for a centuries long tradition of ceramics.
If people like Italian Ceramics, I suggust to visit Deruta and, in particular Sambuco Ceramics (http://www.sambuco.it - facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sambucoceramiche) with its wide range of shapes and patterns from the traditional to the contemporary lines. Sambuco has a big show-room of more than 1500 square meters, an online shop and is able to ship worldwide.
I am at disposal for any information.
Luca Sambuco
[email protected]