Last night we had guests for dinner. Because I have been to Greece many times I was asked to create something Greek-ish. And there is this one dish that I have made many times about the world that has been quite popular. It doesn’t really have a name. Essentially it is Artichokes and Chicken with oodles of garlic and onions and other things including a nice slab of feta.
The original recipe calls for pasta. But because the dish (made my way) tends to come out rather large and because Tonya was doing a nice roasted leg of lamb with lemon potatoes and a nice Greek styled salad and of course the munchies including another Greek-ish appetizer I like to make called Artichoke Squares I chose not to do the pasta.
In the end we had more food that we could eat.
You can find the recipe for Artichokes & Chicken HERE.
And if you’d like to make Artichoke Squares. . . HERE
This is how we did the Roast Leg of Lamb. . .HERE
Later we had a tasty drink that is called a Maple Leaf.
A Maple Leaf is simply 1 1/2 ounces of bourbon, 1/2 ounce lemon juice and 1tsp of maple syrup. These were the perfect ending to a fabulous meal. In fact we drank them on the deck sitting around the fire pit.