Well, we arrived in Boston unscathed. We managed to get to the correct flight desk and received our tickets. Getting through all the new security was a breeze primarily because we weren’t rushed like cattle. And we appeared to have made an interesting friend during the process.
While we were standing there waiting our turn to send all our stuff through the machine in came to pass that many of us there in Boston were from Maine. And one woman that we allowed to go first was one of the flight attendants for our flight to London. She was really sweet.
Then waiting for the plane we met Mario, a 17 year old visitor from Brazil. The poor kid was desperately trying to call home but couldn’t figure out what the denominations of the American coins were so that he could use the pay phone.

Mario told us all about he month long adventure to the United States. He was evidently hosted by an American Family in Boston but the parents there had a heated argument about him being with them so he moved out to stay with a friend he had made in Boston.
He also told us his dreams of becoming a doctor and that during this trip he managed to purchase all the American toys that he can’t get in San Paulo, Brazil.
Our Flight to London was lovely, even more so because of the stewarding staff who moved us to a row unto ourselves where Chet could have way more leg room and I could at least attempt to get some rest on the plane. But who can really sleep sitting up?
Many thanks to the staff and crew of flight # 108 of American Airlines. We look forward to seeing you again.