We arrived in Firenze about early afternoon the sixteenth of March. We might have landed in the city a little earlier but the GPS that Chester is now naming “Betty,” had us driving around in circles for some time before we just shut her off and followed the road signs. It’s funny, well maybe it’s natural but the longer I stay here the more of the language I understand and the easier it is to read and follow the road signs.
While Chester went off to park the car I set out on foot to cross the Ponte Vecchio. This bridge is a symbol of the city of Florence, as well as one of the most famous bridges in the world. The bridge crosses the river Amo and is currently lined with shops along both sides.

This poor bridge has been plagues since the time of the Romans by several floods that essentially washed the bridge away.

After crossing the bridge and of course taking oodles of pictures along the way I made my way to the central Piazza of Michelangelo where I found several fabulous statues and even a fountain

Unfortunately the fountain was not working when I was there. But I am told that when it is functioning that it is quite spectacular. Nevertheless I found it to be a stuning work of art.
There was a replica of the statue of David out on the Piazza as well but the real statue is housed in a museum some several blocks away.

Of course we located the major Duomo and it’s Baptismal Font. We say the inside of the church and I marched up the some 430 steps to get to the top of the bell tower. But alas the font was not open. I guess I will have to return to Florence at a time when the font is open.